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旧帖 2017-09-08 05:32:32
Post #1
Expedition Kayaking 皮划艇海洋舟 探险荒野技术指南 ---- 经典英美大师教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04

Expedition Kayaking 皮划艇海洋舟 探险荒野技术指南 ---- 经典英美大师教科书

The life and times of Derek Hutchinson, 1933-2012
Sea kayaking gives a person the opportunity to venture on to a wild, unpredictable expanse in a craft that moves solely by the strength of their arm, directed by their experience and knowledge," he wrote in The Complete Book of Sea Kayaking. "Facing the challenge of the sea in this way causes a paddler to journey into the genuine unknown—the unknown and untried areas of his own soul.

通过海上皮划艇,人们有机会通过他们的经验和知识,以他们手臂的力量完成划艇,尝试一种狂野的,无法预知的户外空间。 以这种方式对海洋的挑战,导致了一个桨手走进纯正未知领域 - 他自己的未知和未体验过灵魂领域。 大师Derek 
Hutchinson 1933-2012


海洋舟不是划静水用的,失去探险意义的海洋舟不再称为海洋舟, 风景只是海洋探险的背景, 只有风景的海洋舟活动,还不如岸上活动或上机动艇。


-------------------              水上荒野技术指南        ----------------------------------------        



海洋太神奇,我一直没明白,朋友圈喜欢赞我们缅因荒岛系列,甚至超过阿拉斯加海洋冰川探险,也许是荒野文化是赢家,荒野是一种去浮躁,静心感受小岛和大海文化。中国英雄探险的事件不算少,光今年在试图绕中国海岸线的就3, 横渡大西洋的有一。可是很少俱乐部在探索高端适合文化精英的水上皮划艇项目,我们一直在做实验,从ipswich到缅因,发现喜欢这种过夜活动远远超过预期。 从老极,闪米特,行少,这些国内户外顶级大侠赞我们的缅因系列,似乎证明了英雄所见略同。 

在皮划艇高品质活动上,国内在思考中,到底高端是装B,还是回归简单纯朴我们缅因活动给出了答案。装B敌不过机动船,装酷敌不过帆船,每项运动都有长有短,皮划艇的简单,丰富海岸线(包括海产),靠人力和毅力则是别的水上运动无法比, 知彼知己才是王道。 荒野文化是海洋舟的精髓, 大航海属于帆船领域,机动船是伪户外爱好者的天地


Expedition Kayakingan excursion, journey, or voyage made for some specific purpose, as of exploration
为了某种特定目的而进行的旅行,旅程或航行,探索, 是海洋皮划艇最高级的形式,大牛们的简历就是集合各种各样的探险旅行

kurtyang04 于 2017-12-27 13:24:57 编辑
旧帖 2017-09-08 08:39:03
Post #3
Re: 水上荒野技术指南
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 “移动的独木舟颇像一叶风中摇曳的芦苇。宁静是它的一部分,还有拍打的水声,树中的鸟语和风声。荡舟之人是独木舟的一部分,从而也与它所熟悉的山水融为一体。从他将船桨侵入水中的那一刻起,他便与它一起漂流,独木舟在他的手下服服帖帖,完全依照他的意愿而行。船桨是他延长的手臂,一如手臂是他身体的器官。划独木舟的感觉与在一片绝好的雪坡上滑雪几近相同,带着那种轻快如飞的惬意,小舟灵活敏捷,任你摆布;划独木舟还有一种与大地和睦相处,融为一体的感觉。然而,对于一个划独木舟的人而言,最重要的莫过于当他荡起船桨时所体验的那种欢乐。

kurtyang04 于 2017-12-19 02:37:57 编辑
旧帖 2017-09-08 09:42:04
Post #4
Re: 水上荒野技术指南
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 第一章:路线

路线的选择来自丰富经验的领队,海洋合格领队培养需要2-4 年时间, 白水需要同样时间,静水大概3个月到12月不等



kurtyang04 于 2017-09-15 23:47:20 编辑
旧帖 2017-09-09 02:21:46
Post #5
Re: 水上荒野技术指南
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 http://www.kayarchy.co.uk/html/02technique/009seakayaktrips/001organisingadaytrip.htm#tripplanning 解释了有关问题

Trip planning


Perhaps the single most important question. Until you have seen all your group in action, we suggest you assume (whatever they told you on the phone) that they cannot reliably roll their kayaks, or carry out a tow or deep-water rescue.
Unless you are sure that everybody in the group can reliably roll, tow and rescue, you will need the support of at least one "safety kayaker" who does have those skills and equipment. If one of you is carrying out a rescue the other can shepherd the rest of the group. This is particularly important with groups of young people because as soon as your back is turned, probably some are getting anxious and others are horsing around.
For a mixed-ability group going outside sheltered waters it will seldom be enough to have one expert leader and one competent safety kayaker. A few trips will require one expert for every intermediate kayaker.
Is it the right time of year? Well-equipped experts can enjoy a surf trip in the middle of winter. In a cool climate, six months of the year are best left to them. The other half of the year is good for intermediate kayakers, with a reminder that in early spring, sea temperatures are only a few degrees higher than in mid-winter so maybe they should wear clothing for winter. For novices in a cool climate, sea trips are probably best left until the latter half of summer.
Ideally, don't lead a group of mixed-ability kayakers along a particular section of coast until you have already explored it yourself in similar conditions.
Probably the most important issues are the extent to which the coast is exposed to the open ocean, and the distance you will be going from a harbour, beach or other safe shelter.
Exposed coast. An exposed section of coastline is one which is strongly affected by wind and waves coming directly from the ocean.
If the prevailing wind (blue arrow) blows across a wide expanse of open ocean, there may at any time be oceanic groundswell surging over reefs and into caves. In windy conditions there will probably be a heavy surf on the beaches and waves exploding on the cliffs to send spray high into the air.
Wind, waves and tidal currents are always strongest at a headland. Lands End in Cornwall projects far out into the Atlantic and is exposed to oceanic wind and waves over 100 degrees of the circle. There is nothing closer than America to break the prevailing wind and the Isles of Scilly do little to break up the swell created by mid-Atlantic storms.
There is usually quite big surf at Sennen Cove, which is the beach next to Lands End. When a big swell is running, one wave bigger than the rest can unexpectedly touch bottom on submerged rocks and break even in quite deep water.
In addition, there is a high tidal range in the Lands End area, which means strong tidal streams. Even in the open sea, the tide regularly creates currents of 2.6 knots. There is a tide race, usually benign but often very fast, just off Lands End. This is not a sensible place to take a group of beginners, and it is suitable for intermediate kayakers only if you have the right combination of good weather and moderate tides.
旧帖 2017-09-13 02:06:45
Post #6
Re: 水上荒野技术指南
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 磨小编也在推广皮划艇运动,在首页上推荐了该篇文章
旧帖 2017-09-13 02:09:56
Post #7
Re: 水上荒野技术指南
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 关于什么人, 因为有专门一章讨论该内容,我们不深入讨论,在策划这节

www.kayarchy.co.uk 说道了时间,地点,和里程问题。

Is it the right time of year? Well-equipped experts can enjoy a surf trip in the middle of winter. In a cool climate, six months of the year are best left to them. The other half of the year is good for intermediate kayakers, with a reminder that in early spring, sea temperatures are only a few degrees higher than in mid-winter so maybe they should wear clothing for winter. For novices in a cool climate, sea trips are probably best left until the latter half of summer.
Ideally, don't lead a group of mixed-ability kayakers along a particular section of coast until you have already explored it yourself in similar conditions.
Probably the most important issues are the extent to which the coast is exposed to the open ocean, and the distance you will be going from a harbour, beach or other safe shelter.
How long?
Anybody can walk or kayak three miles (5 km). A fit person can easily walk 10 miles or paddle a classic sea kayak 15 miles (25 km) in good conditions. If you are on a mission you can walk 25 miles or kayak 40 miles (65 km) although you may not be much use at work the next day.
For trips by experienced adults in true sea kayaks, a round trip totalling 12-15 miles (20-25 km) is a good total length to start with. If you have to mix sea kayaks and short boats on the same trip, make it 6 - 9 miles (10-15 km).
It may be OK to finish an advanced trip for adults with everybody exhausted, but if there are children in the group it is probably best if, at the end of the trip, they feel they could go straight out and do it again. 5 miles (8 km) may be good.
旧帖 2017-09-13 02:13:45
Post #8
Re: 水上荒野技术指南
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 什么时候?


任何人都可以划皮划艇3英里(5公里)。一个身体比较适合运动的人可以轻松地划10英里,或者在一个生体良好的条件下,经过一个经典的海上划艇行驶15英里(25公里)。有时您状态特别好,行25英里或皮划艇40英里(65公里)是可能动,但您可能在第二天身体疲惫 。
经验丰富的成年人在真正的皮划艇旅行中,总共12-15英里(20-25公里)的往返行程是一个很好的总长度。如果您必须在同一行程中混合了海上皮划艇和短艇,则可以考虑6 - 9英里(10-15公里)。
如果有小朋友, 5英里(8公里)可能会很好。

kurtyang04 于 2017-09-13 02:59:13 编辑
旧帖 2017-09-15 01:37:05
Post #9
Re: 水上荒野技术指南
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 风险评估


Risk assessment is an essential concept for kayak coaches and guides and worthwhile for club leaders. Kayaking is an adventure sport and kayakers voluntarily take risks. Even in a workplace, the purpose of risk assessment is not to eliminate all risk but to think about the hazards of a particular activity and decide what is acceptable.
Low risks can often be disregarded. If you realise there is a moderate risk which could be eliminated without too much trouble or money, you may decide to do so. If a leader decides not to eliminate that risk, should (s)he discuss it with the group? If you realise there is a high risk, you may decide to relocate or cancel the activity until circumstances are more favourable, for example when the weather is better or you have one or two more experienced kayakers in the group.
The Health & Safety Executive says that a workplace risk assessment is "nothing more than a careful examination of what... could cause harm to people so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm...
1. Look for hazards.
2. Decide who might be harmed, and how. 
3. Evaluate the risks and decide whether existing precautions are adequate or more should be done. 
4. Record the findings. 
5. Revise the assessment if circumstances change.

健康与安全执行官一种概念,工作场所的风险评估只不过是仔细检查可能对人造成伤害的事情,以便您可以衡量是否采取了足够的预防措施,或者应该采取更多措施来防止伤害。 。

1 寻找危险。
4 记录调查结果。

kurtyang04 于 2017-12-10 08:10:48 编辑
旧帖 2017-09-16 00:28:03
Post #10
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书与带队华人 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 第二章 选择队员

是所有问题里最复杂一个, 作为领队,你可能是队员的保姆和心理医师

* 效率最高是 5-6人
* 安全角度,最低是 5-6人,5-6个精兵强干可以搭设比较强大的救援力量
*超过6人,不但事情效率可能开始变得超低, 要协调的事是成倍增加
* 超过6人,暴露的安全漏洞会越多

* 对于超过3天的旅途,人的弱点开始放大暴露,丑陋的东西很可能平时发现不了, 个别同学开始失去控制自己

kurtyang04 于 2017-09-16 02:02:13 编辑
旧帖 2017-09-16 02:02:47
Post #11
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 Perhaps the single most important question. Until you have seen all your group in action, we suggest you assume (whatever they told you on the phone) that they cannot reliably roll their kayaks, or carry out a tow or deep-water rescue.
Unless you are sure that everybody in the group can reliably roll, tow and rescue, you will need the support of at least one "safety kayaker" who does have those skills and equipment. If one of you is carrying out a rescue the other can shepherd the rest of the group. This is particularly important with groups of young people because as soon as your back is turned, probably some are getting anxious and others are horsing around.
For a mixed-ability group going outside sheltered waters it will seldom be enough to have one expert leader and one competent safety kayaker. A few trips will require one expert for every intermediate kayaker.

也许是最重要的一个问题。 直到你看到所有的小组在行动中,我们建议你假设(无论他们在电话中告诉你什么),他们不能可靠地滚动他们的皮划艇,或进行拖船或深水救援。
除非您确定该组织中的每个人都可以可靠地滚动,拖曳和拯救,否则您将需要至少一名具有这些技能和设备的“安全皮划艇”的支持。 如果你们中的一个人正在进行救援,另一个人可以牧养其余的人。 这对于年轻人来说尤为重要,因为一旦你的背部转身,可能有些人越来越焦急,而其他人正在挨饿。
对于一个混合能力组织进入庇护水域,很少有足够的专家领导和一个合格的安全皮划艇。 每个中间皮划艇旅行人员都需要一名专家。
旧帖 2017-10-28 03:45:04
Post #12
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 第三章 露营

Kayak-based camping

A deserted beach, an unspoilt area, silence except for waves and bird calls, fabulous sunsets. Kayak camping can be a magical experience anywhere from Thailand to Greenland.
Change campsite every day, or kayak to some perfect island site, set up a base camp and explore from there?
The former is more romantic, the latter means you have the pleasure of exploring in unladen kayaks.
The "base camp" approach can be good in wet weather when moving camp a lot means you put a wet tent and a damp sleeping bag into your kayak every morning, and take it out even damper every afternoon. Paddling a laden kayak for long hours every day can eventually give you bruised palms and tenosynovitis.
Then again, Keith lives in Wales (not a notoriously dry part of the world) and says "with the right kit and technique I find it straightforward to stay warm, dry and clean in the foulest weather" and he comments that his expedition kayak is "great to paddle fully laden - very stable and easy to keep up to speed. Handles rough water much better than when empty too."
旧帖 2017-10-28 03:47:05
Post #13
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 一个荒凉的海滩,一个未受破坏的地区,宁静,除了波浪声和鸟的欢叫,还有美妙的日落。皮划艇露营目的地可以是从泰国到格陵兰岛的神奇体验。





再次,基思住在威尔士(是世界臭名昭着下雨的地区),并说:“用正确的工具包和技术,我发现在最恶劣的天气中保持温暖,干燥和干净,他说,他的远征皮划艇是“很好的划完全负载皮划艇 - 非常稳定也可保持速度,处理风浪的水面比空的好多了”。
kurtyang04 于 2017-10-28 04:34:21 编辑
旧帖 2017-10-28 04:18:28
Post #14
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 雨中露营是露营技术的关键之一大师Alderson在他经典书说到几个有灵感的要点

4)在防雨大帘,或帐篷里,脱掉雨衣雨裤。 “我觉得防止带水进帐篷为主要,大师说防止过度汗水,其实还好,下雨天在新英格兰温度一般比较冷
旧帖 2017-10-28 04:52:54
Post #15
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 • Tent. Ideally a dome tent or tunnel tent consisting of a waterproof flysheet with bell ends, and a separate inner tent with panels of mosquito net and a sewn-in groundsheet which extends 10 cm up the sides. The flysheet keeps the rain off the inner tent and you can store all your spare equipment under the ends. Camping in some areas is permitted only if the tent is very small, and dark green in colour. For real wilderness areas there is something to be said for yellow or orange tents - they're a lot more cheerful inside if you spend a rainy day in your sleeping bag, reading. Some cheap supermarket tents are surprisingly good. Tents made of cotton canvas are comfortable for base camp but very heavy and bulky so they are not suitable for kayak camping.
旧帖 2017-10-28 04:55:02
Post #16
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 水上露营是容忍器材的不专业,更适合大众的生活观念把


旧帖 2017-10-28 04:57:29
Post #17
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 也解释今年夏天,水上露营推广的速度在BOSTON附近是背包族速度的十倍以上, 只要解决了皮划艇器材问题,皮划艇露营受欢迎程度比CAR CAMPING和背包客要高,问题还是在皮划艇器材瓶颈上

旧帖 2017-10-28 05:04:07
Post #18
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 穿插好文章:
原创 2017-10-27 登山知识 

NxpSq3GMKA3WbcLZFa/U1mBCpBAQN1Sj6##" rel="external">雪线之上










路线规划  成功10%


时间规划  成功20%


保暖衣物  成功30%




帽子手套  成功40%



穿上排汗衣  成功50%




带上雨衣  成功60%




带上羽绒睡袋  成功70%




带上一个好睡垫  成功80%



来顿热食  成功90%



自制热水袋  成功100%







旧帖 2017-10-28 06:04:45
Post #19
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 最简单的经典方式:


旧帖 2017-10-28 06:07:56
Post #20
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 如果您在北美,那么还有一种很好的BIVY选择:军队用BIVY, Ebay 有卖,很便宜

旧帖 2017-10-29 16:55:13
Post #21
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
流浪不等寒酸 离线 流浪不等寒酸
kurtyang04 wrote:




旧帖 2017-10-30 16:29:41
Post #22
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
湘琴 离线 湘琴 图一美呆了。
旧帖 2017-11-02 01:31:47
Post #23
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 http://www.kayarchy.co.uk/html/02technique/009seakayaktrips/002camping.htm#expeditionequipment

• Tent. Ideally a dome tent or tunnel tent consisting of a waterproof flysheet with bell ends, and a separate inner tent with panels of mosquito net and a sewn-in groundsheet which extends 10 cm up the sides. The flysheet keeps the rain off the inner tent and you can store all your spare equipment under the ends. Camping in some areas is permitted only if the tent is very small, and dark green in colour. For real wilderness areas there is something to be said for yellow or orange tents - they're a lot more cheerful inside if you spend a rainy day in your sleeping bag, reading. Some cheap supermarket tents are surprisingly good. Tents made of cotton canvas are comfortable for base camp but very heavy and bulky so they are not suitable for kayak camping.
Gore-Tex bivouac bags have neither pegs nor poles so they are very discreet and compact, and can be got cheaply from a military surplus shop. See Kayarchy Shopping. Bivvy bags are OK for sleeping, but they offer no comfort if you are awake and it is misty or raining.
Some kayakers take a sheet of thick polythene sheet the same size as the inner tent, and put it on the ground to prevent sharp vegetation puncturing the tent's groundsheet.
• Camping mattress. Sleeping pads made of closed-cell foam are cheap, tough, comfortable and don't get punctures but a full-length one is too big to fit through a kayak's deck hatches. They can be carried in a roll on the rear deck. A self-inflating mattress such as a Thermarest will fit into the kayak through a hatch.
• Sleeping bag with synthetic filling. Bags filled with duck down or goose down are wonderfully light and compact but very expensive, and if they get wet they have about the same bulk and warmth as a Pepsi-Cola can. Synthetic bags are quite heavy and bulky but they are good value and give good insulation even when wet. They usually have an outer layer of ripstop nylon and an inner lining of a polyester-cotton, filled with the same stuff as a good domestic quilt. In other words, polyester quilting. Trade names include Hollofil, Qualofil, Primaloft, Spirafil or Polarloft. There are different grades of filling. The better ones have springy hollow threads. They last longer, expand to be thicker and compress to be smaller than the cheap ones.
For most sea kayakers in a cool climate, the best solution is a warm mummy-shaped bag with a full-length double-ended zip, carefully made so that the polyester batts overlap like tiles on a roof (shingled). Manufacturer's ratings for sleeping bags assume that the user is used to cold conditions and will wear warm clothing in bed. We find that a sea kayak trip in Scotland in summer demands a bag rated at least "three seasons" or "down to 5°C". In cold weather, the mummy shape lets you pull the draw-cord and bring a hood up around your head so that only your nose is left sticking out. In hot weather, you can open the zip at the bottom and let fresh air get to your lower legs. Couples can get matching bags, one with a right-hand zip and one with a left-hand zip so they can be zipped together. This means not only added romance but an extra 5 degrees of warmth on a chilly night.
When a sleeping bag is rolled up in its "stuff sack" it probably won't fit through the kayak's hatches. Many people take a medium-sized dry-bag and put the empty bag into the kayak through the deck hatch. Then they stuff the sleeping bag into the drybag, roll up the neck of the drybag and seal it before putting on the lid of the hatch.
旧帖 2017-11-02 01:34:30
Post #24
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 •帐篷理想的是一个圆顶帐篷或隧道帐篷,包括一个带有喇叭口的防水翼片,以及一个独立的内部帐篷,配有蚊帐面板和一个缝制的地板,两侧延伸10厘米。飞行表将雨篷从内部帐篷中保存下来,您可以将所有备用设备存储在两端。在某些地区只允许露营条件帐篷很小,深绿色。对于真正的荒野地区,黄色或橙色的帐篷可以是不错颜色 - 如果你在睡袋里度过一个下雨天,阅读内容就会让人开朗。一些便宜的超市帐篷令人惊讶的好。由棉帆布制成的帐篷适合大本营,但非常沉重和庞大,因此不适合做皮划艇露营。

Gore-Tex BivY既没有钉子,也没有杆子,所以它们非常谨慎和紧凑,可以从军队多余供给商店便宜地获得。 Bivvy包可以用于睡觉,但如果你迷雾或下雨醒着,他们不提供舒适。





kurtyang04 于 2017-11-02 23:22:55 编辑
旧帖 2017-11-03 02:55:39
Post #25
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 在DIAZ的书中说到四点

1)帐篷要足够大, 感觉大是首选,能够放其他器材,如救生衣,鞋子,衣裤,包,皮划艇露营东西是蛮多
旧帖 2017-11-13 06:38:38
Post #26
Re: 水上皮划艇荒野技术指南 ---- 结合西方教科书
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 第四章 皮划艇器材和方式



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