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旧帖 2015-09-12 01:35:06
Post #26
Re: 北美海洋舟名地之八: 康乃狄克州海岸线首航 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04

Re: 北美海洋舟名地之八: 康乃狄克州海岸线首航 ...

向木 wrote:
kurtyang版主 你这太美了。啥时候求带一个啊。


旧帖 2015-09-12 10:43:48
Post #27
Re: 北美海洋舟名地之八: 康乃狄克州海岸线首航 图片版
L-J 离线 L-J 大赞啊,皮划艇!
小时候,儿歌里唱到:让我们荡起双桨,小船儿推开波浪 海面倒映着美丽的白塔 四周环绕着绿树红墙。。。


旧帖 2017-09-22 00:27:13
Post #28
Re: 北美海洋舟名地之八: 康乃狄克州海岸线首航 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 明年再次推广皮划艇到纽约华人户外圈
旧帖 2018-10-02 05:56:00
Post #29
Re: 北美海洋舟名地之八: 康乃狄克州海岸线首航 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 康河是美国康州以及整个美东北的母亲河,对当地历史和发展影响深远。这次有幸带着新人训练同时,探查了康河入海口的资源。
康河入海口是康州五大海洋资源,名副其实。不是最美丽的一条,不是海洋动物最多的一条,更不是航拍最美那个,可它是康州海洋资源线路里最丰富内涵的一条,包括人文历史。 我们大概探测了1/10的区域,就经历了六种不同的风景和地貌,想必出海口之前25公里,有着10几种风格和上百公里的水径探索。其风景和内涵超过预期,那些河边的参天大树气势磅礴,河边的豪宅也是一百年前那个年代最贵的河边别墅群之一,芦苇荡是我一生最美最震撼的一次。 河上机动船过多,但野岛也多,热爱水上户外都能分到无敌环境小岛空间,这在陆地户外绝不可能。
被吹捧很厉害的树雀万只聚会,变成了千只小规模的秀,时间也短,失望率明显超过其他任何内容,验证了被吹捧过头东西往往会失望,而用心去发现未知不出名新事物倒是惊喜一片。不过好歹看到了,没有太辜负我们这次纽约和波士顿朋友合作的活动。而那些芦苇荡, 超美小溪和树林,豪宅,夕阳,超级的露营空间,沙岛,还有充满热情朝气的年轻朋友,会深深在我们生命记忆中。
旧帖 2018-10-05 05:27:35
Post #30
Re: 北美海洋舟名地之八: 康乃狄克州海岸线首航 ...
yampa 离线 yampa 这就是康河

旧帖 2018-10-13 00:13:39
Post #31
Re: 北美海洋舟名地之八: 康乃狄克州海岸线首航 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04

旧帖 2018-10-13 00:18:43
Post #32
Re: 北美海洋舟名地之八: 康乃狄克州海岸线首航 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 The Lower Connecticut River: Southern Connecticut to Long Island Sound[edit]
15 miles (24 km) south of Hartford, at Middletown, the Lower Connecticut River section begins with a narrowing of the river, and then a sharp turn southeast. Throughout southern Connecticut, the Connecticut passes through a thinly populated, hilly, wooded region before again widening and discharging into Long Island Sound between Old Saybrook and Old Lyme. Due to the presence of large, shifting sandbars at its mouth, the Connecticut is the only major river in the Northeastern United States without a port at its mouth.[56]
Mouth and tidelands[edit]
The Connecticut River carries a heavy amount of silt, especially during the spring snow melt, from as far north as Quebec. This heavy silt concentration manifests in a large sandbar near the Connecticut's mouth, which has, historically, provided a formidable obstacle to navigation. Due to the difficulty it presents to ships, the Connecticut is one of the few major rivers in the United States without a major city at its mouth. The Connecticut's major cities – Hartford and Springfield – lie 45 and 69 miles (70 and 110 km) upriver, respectively.

Satellite image of the Connecticut River depositing silt into Long Island Sound

The Nature Conservancy named the Connecticut River's tidelands one of the Western Hemisphere's "40 Last Great Places", while the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands listed its estuary and tidal wetlands complex as one of 1,759 wetlands of international importance.[57]
In 1997, the Connecticut River was designated one of only 14 American Heritage Rivers, which recognized its "distinctive natural, economic, agricultural, scenic, historic, cultural and recreational qualities." In May 2012, the Connecticut River was designated America's first National Blueway, in recognition of the restoration and preservation efforts on the river.[7]
旧帖 2018-10-13 00:33:58
Post #33
Re: 北美海洋舟名地之八: 康乃狄克州海岸线首航 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 康河最后一个桥 

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