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旧帖 2015-07-30 02:54:05
Post #77
Re: 海洋舟安全和救援(大师Lull,Dowd,Kayarchy,Hu ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04

Re: 海洋舟安全和救援(大师Lull,Dowd,Kayarchy,Hu ...


俩点:大风刮起后, 2米的大浪是需要几个钟头时间才可能形成,专门有技术表格

外海:一个教练敢带8人,二人带16个,我服了他们,规范一般外海3-4人最多(内海可多带),内海不可能有俩米浪(附近活动报告,活动被取消), 这难道是号称正统的台湾皮划艇协会教出来地? 相信台湾没有规范,ACA是有规定带多少人。这就是没有规范的结果,技术再好也会出事。

旧帖 2015-07-30 03:01:07
Post #78
Re: 海洋舟安全和救援(大师Lull,Dowd,Kayarchy,Hu ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 ”今天早上9點基隆望海巷海港,有2艘獨木舟翻覆,帶團教練表示,他們是在折返途中,遭
­到3公尺大浪打翻,所幸5名遊客,全數獲救,教練也澄清,並不是帶遊客冒險,而是出海­後,海象突然劇變,才導致意外,但是另一艘準備出海的獨木舟,卻沒那麼幸運,他們在岸­邊被大浪餘波打到,重心不穩翻覆,其中一名女子 左手中‘

旧帖 2015-07-30 03:06:57
Post #79
Re: 海洋舟安全和救援(大师Lull,Dowd,Kayarchy,Hu ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 又一起台湾事故:领队估计不合格





旧帖 2015-07-30 03:10:23
Post #80
Re: 海洋舟安全和救援(大师Lull,Dowd,Kayarchy,Hu ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 再一起台湾事故:

黃色獨木舟一艘一艘划上岸,有的人看起來累翻了,有的人則是面露終於可以放鬆的笑容,彷彿歷劫歸來,原來他們剛剛差點被海水越沖越遠。開心地跟海巡隊大合 照,這群來自不同團體,分別搭乘20艘獨木舟的39名遊客,在30號中午從金山水尾漁港出發,滑向燭台嶼對面的沙灘遊玩,沒想到回程碰到退潮,加上天氣過 熱,部分遊客體力透支,人跟船被潮水帶往燭台嶼外圍400公尺遠,划不回來,幸好有人趕緊打電話,向海巡署求救,派出了警艇將他們載回。
旧帖 2015-07-30 03:15:04
Post #81
Re: 海洋舟安全和救援(大师Lull,Dowd,Kayarchy,Hu ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 这些事故说明: 1海洋舟在台湾很时髦,顾客成千上万 2 台湾没有规范,事故都是严重超载,容易失控的大团队 3需要规范,而且  领队需要特殊安全的教育和经验
旧帖 2015-07-30 03:17:40
Post #82
Re: 海洋舟安全和救援(大师Lull,Dowd,Kayarchy,Hu ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 为什么不死人,就是失温没有介入,经得起折腾,如果发生在山东的春天, 可能三个应有一个必死无疑
旧帖 2015-07-30 03:36:45
Post #83
Re: 海洋舟安全和救援(大师Lull,Dowd,Kayarchy,Hu ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 冒8級強風 獨木舟橫渡黑水溝2人失聯 隊員自責
2007/06/28 22:42  Video







駕駛獨木舟闖黑洋失聯的張天明,清晨獲救後表示,獨木舟之所以浸水,主要是裝備不夠齊全,他在海上漂流近十二個小時,進一步體認到人無法挑戰大自然、只能 順應大自然,經過這次意外,他依然熱愛獨木舟運動。(黃進恭報導)隊長張天明獲救,他身上曬的黝黑,手指附近也有些脫皮,但身體無恙,談起這次勇闖黑水溝 任務失敗,張天明語氣平靜,他認為主要是裝備準備的不齊全,才會發生這樣狀況。[獨木舟有浸水,有浪來的時候,這裡還是會浸水]在海上漂流近十二個小時, 面對廣闊大海,加上獨木舟又浸水,孤立無援的張天明有著很深感觸,他說人無法挑戰大自然,只能順應。[其實只要在船上,船不翻,飄到那裡都可以上岸,浪當 時很大嗎?浪不大,只是我沒有辦法坐到坐艙裡面去划 ]從失散到被直升機獲救,張天明歷劫歸來,眼神堅定的他,不會因這次經驗,放棄對獨木舟熱愛,只要有機會,他仍想繼續乘風航向大海。
旧帖 2015-07-30 03:44:46
Post #84
Re: 海洋舟安全和救援(大师Lull,Dowd,Kayarchy,Hu ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 "九艘海洋獨木舟在上午六時左右集結,並由近二十艘雙人艇護航出發至港區外海後" 在海上漂浮12钟头, 亏得是热带的台湾,要是宁波或以北,可能就出人命。20个人没有以一个人阻挡这种反安全不理智行为,我也是醉了。海洋舟最缺最重要的就是合格的总领队,要非常清晰,不能把队伍带到一个全面失控的环境下,技术不好不丢人,频频出事才是一个地区/国家的皮划艇的失职和无能!
旧帖 2015-08-19 05:21:07
Post #85
Re: 更新:台湾海洋事故汇总 海洋舟安全和救援( ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 http://www.stripersonline.com/surftalk/topic/99105-sad-story-out-of-mass/
旧帖 2015-08-19 05:22:50
Post #86
Re: 更新:北美俩女子事故报告 海洋舟安全和救援 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 Hope wanes for missing kayakers
A search of South Monomoy finds no sign of the two women who paddled into the fog inadvertently Sunday.
CHATHAM - The day started with promise yesterday for searchers looking for two kayakers missing from Harwich Port. By day's end, a weary multi-agency search team - and the family of the two young women - had nearly lost hope.

Barnstable County Sheriff's Department Sgt. Barney Murphy and his dog Condor head to South Monomoy Island yesterday to aid in the search for two kayakers reported missing in Nantucket Sound.
(Staff photo by VINCENT DeWITT)


"It doesn't look good," Chatham Fire Chief William Schwerdtfeger said.
Despite a full day of canvassing Chatham's South Monomoy Island by foot, with helicopters, boats and track dogs, searchers found no sign of Mary Jagoda, 20, of Huntington, N.Y., and Sarah Aronoff, 19, of Bethesda, Md.
The Coast Guard cutter Jefferson Island out of Portland, Maine, continued the search in Nantucket Sound last night. Searchers plan to visit Monomoy Island again today.
The pair has been missing since 3 p.m. Sunday, when they hopped aboard two kayaks for what was supposed to be a quick close-to-shore paddle. But thick fog hanging just offshore quickly enveloped the women.
Their boyfriends, who were waiting for their turn in the boats, called for help about 50 minutes later.
Investigators have been unable to determine whether the women were wearing life jackets.
Buoyed by news early in the day that the two boats had been found, capsized and lashed together, floating near South Monomoy Island in Chatham, rescuers headed out to the island to begin looking.
The kayaks were found in an area known as Pollock Rip, just south of the island.
Crews from the Coast Guard Station in Chatham, Harwich Fire Department and harbor master's office, Chatham Fire Department and harbor master's office, Yarmouth harbor master's office and Barnstable County Sheriff's Department took part in the search.
Two sheriff's department tracking dogs, German shepherds Condor and Danny, were taken aboard a Chatham harbor master's boat shortly before noon by their handlers, Sgt. Barney Murphy and Sgt. Pat Martin. They joined the group already on the island.
Despite the presence of fresh footprints on the beach, the dogs never picked up a scent, according to Chatham Harbor Master Stuart Smith.
Crystal-clear conditions made the search by air ideal, but a Coast Guard helicopter saw no sign of the women after hovering up and down the 5-mile-long island all day.
A foot patrol that covered the entire undulating barrier beach spit also found no evidence of the women, according to Tim Millar of Harwich, who volunteered to help in the search.
By day's end yesterday, Louis Jagoda, the father of one of the missing women, was downcast, too.
"A couple of hours ago, I was encouraged, but right now I'm wondering why they haven't been found," he said from the Coast Guard station in Woods Hole, where he and his wife, Anna May, were being briefed with news as it came out of Chatham.

Reward offered
Jagoda is offering a $5,000 reward to anyone who helps locate his daughter.
"I just want my daughter back," he said.
Mary Jagoda, a Brandeis University student, is the couple's only surviving child. They lost their son, Jake, who worked for the investment banking firm Cantor Fitzgerald, in the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City.
"I can't imagine what they're going through," said Victoria Aronoff, Sarah's mother, about the Jagodas. She said her family had spent "the worst night of our lives" Sunday, after receiving news that Sarah and Mary were missing.
Mrs. Aronoff said her daughter, who is a junior at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa., met Jagoda through their boyfriends.
She said the two couples were in Harwich for the long weekend at the family home of Aronoff's boyfriend, Joe Sacks, on Ayer Lane in Harwich Port.
A young man at Sacks' house yesterday said no one there was ready to talk to reporters.
Mrs. Aronoff, too, was encouraged early in the day by news that the kayaks had been found near an island. She said Sarah is a strong swimmer and is physically fit.
She speculated that the pair had made it to shore and dragged the boats onto the beach. The boats could have then drifted back out into the water with the tide, she said.
A Coast Guard helicopter spotted the two boats, capsized and tied together side by side, in an area known as Pollock Rip about a mile off the southern tip of South Monomoy Island. The island is owned by the federal Fish and Wildlife Service and is a wildlife sanctuary.
Aside from a lighthouse and several shacklike structures, the island is undeveloped.
After finding the boats, the Coast Guard dropped a diver into Nantucket Sound to look beneath the kayaks to see if either woman was there, according to Flynn.

Quick outing planned
Aronoff and Jagoda and their boyfriends were on the beach at the end of Ayer Lane Sunday afternoon when they decided to take the kayaks out, Mrs. Aronoff said.
"They were going to have the kayaks for about 10 minutes and then give them to the guys," she said.
When more than three-quarters of an hour went by and they did not return, the men called the police, she said.
Marilyn Dewar of Harwich Port said she saw the women head out as she was leaving the beach.
"If I had been closer, I would have told them not to go out in that fog. But, who knows if they would have listened," she said. "We assumed they were going to hug the shore."
A bedraggled Harwich Fire Capt. William Flynn, who was sitting at the Harwich harbor master's office at Saquatucket Harbor after coming in from an all-night search, said the conditions in Nantucket Sound overnight Sunday were treacherous. The winds were blowing toward the east much of the night and then shifted in the opposite direction by daybreak, he said.
Water temperatures in the sound last week were reported at 57 degrees.
He said he was told by the women's friends that when they left shore, one woman immediately headed straight out and the other angled off in another direction. The current was running very strong at that time, he said.

Jacket situation unknown
He said the friends could not remember whether the women had life jackets on.
"Especially in kayaks, life jackets are very, very, very important," said Chatham Harbor Master Smith, who spent all night Sunday and into yesterday searching Nantucket Sound.
"We had a lot of strikes against us in the beginning. There was black fog until midnight and the wind came on really strong," he said.
The sea was very choppy with 6- to 8-foot waves all night, according to Coast Guard Petty Officer John Haskins, who is stationed in Chatham.
Despite the mild temperatures and soft breeze inside Stage Harbor yesterday, the wind off South Monomoy yesterday was still very strong and the sound extremely choppy, he said.
Chatham Fire Chief Schwerdtfeger called off the search on South Monomoy at about 5 p.m. yesterday, after about five hours of searching. He said men had hiked the entire length of the island without luck.
Earlier, officials were upbeat about finding fresh footprints after Sunday's rainstorm, but Schwerdtfeger said it is not uncommon to find footprints on the beach at Monomoy. The island is frequented by boaters and shellfishermen.
"Chances are they're not on the island," he said. "One would think if the two ladies made it (to the island), they would have made themselves known to us or the helicopter."
Louis Jagoda said his daughter was a good swimmer who had swam competitively in the past. He said she was also trained in kayaking.
Millar said he recommends three or four hours of training for ocean kayaking. Even with the schooling, going out in conditions like those on Sunday is "like playing chicken with two cars," he said.
Body of missing kayaker found
CHATHAM - Authorities today found the body of one of two kayakers missing since Sunday after they paddled into the ocean fog and disappeared off a Harwich Port beach, officials said.

Today's Times story

The body was found by the Coast Guard late this morning and identified as Mary Jagoda, 20, Huntington, N.Y., the state police said early this afternoon. The body was found about 4-5 miles off Monomoy Point in Chatham, not far from where the pair's abandoned kayaks were discovered yesterday.
The search for the other missing kayaker, Sarah Aronoff, 19, of Bethesda, Md., continued this afternoon. Searchers earlier today had said they not optimistic in their search for the two women.
"All they can do is say a pray," said Wally Bicknell, assistant Chatham harbor master this morning.
Authorties today concentrated their search by sea and air on and around Monomoy Island, aided by Coast Guard and state police helicopters and local and county police.
Their water-logged Old Town kayaks were found yesterday capsized off the southern tip of South Monomoy Island in Chatham. They were lashed together with a bungee cord about a foot below the surface of the water. There was no visible damage to the kayaks and the paddles were missing.
The pair has been missing since 3 p.m. Sunday, when they hopped aboard two kayaks at a beach at the end of Ayer Lane in Harwich Port for what was supposed to be a quick close-to-shore paddle. But thick fog hanging just offshore quickly enveloped the women.
Their boyfriends, who were waiting for their turn in the boats, called for help about 50 minutes later.
旧帖 2015-08-19 05:41:11
Post #87
Re: 更新:北美俩女子事故报告 海洋舟安全和救援 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 黑色线是人体和皮划艇行程图,在箭头地方发现尸体和皮划艇(大概12-15公里距离).

大家记住教训,安全任何细节不马虎,别小看沿岸走活动,没有安全雷达,任何地方在一定条件下会触发死亡。 海洋的危险要求,领队要看住没有经验的皮划艇新人。

水温14度,2 女子游泳不错,本来是沿着岸走的随意皮划艇活动,突然来了大雾,一个钟头后男朋友发现女朋友没回来,于是报了警,马上开始搜救,其实落水东边是很大浅滩,天还算不错, 第二天发现尸体和皮划艇。


旧帖 2015-08-19 07:55:17
Post #88
更新:北美俩女子事故报告 海洋舟安全和救援(大师Lull,Dowd ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 西德尼大师说:海洋皮划艇很重要尽量避免进入翻船的情形,当然是在用支撑之后,非玩浪的因素下,判断什么是危险情形,是领队最难的任务之一,但很关键。我体会把握这平衡,代表一个领队成熟。


清华工程本科毕业生,海洋舟和漂流中国首席安全推手, 荒野皮划艇探险高级摄影师, 华人皮划艇荒野探险首席领队

旧帖 2015-09-10 23:37:11
Post #89
Re: 更新:北美俩女子事故报告 海洋舟安全和救援 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 关于潮汐流和风的作用,俩年前就知道。

在经历了不少次实际体会后,领悟到一个道理: 潮汐流和风的相反作用导致大浪,是海洋皮划艇除失温之外,最重要需要认真对付的安全难关。

80% 以上大风发生在下午2点到4点,所以这个时候如果发生潮汐流和风的相反作用, 那么一天最大挑战十有八九,发生在这里。


潮汐技术不但是安全的设计要点(大局),也是具体运作时安全要特别注意细节。前几天这个马虎了一些,结果我(全队就我)被潮汐推到我, 距离设计的靠岸点, 1.5公里之外的地方。上百个 0.8米大浪后,才靠另一头的岸。同伴们因为出发位置没有问题, 因此按计划到达对岸。我只是与他们开始差30米,结果是1个多公里的距离。
旧帖 2015-09-10 23:59:37
Post #90
Re: 潮汐流和风的作用再思考 海洋舟安全和救援( ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 这种领悟也感谢当地的向导,租船时反复交待哪些地方可能会遭遇这种作用,反复强调,把后果说得非常严重。巧合的是,我们遭遇中等的状况, 听他说的时候没觉得会发生。回过头来,这是海洋舟里安全最关键的技术所在。他反复强调过去因此死过多少人, 好些事故,人被漂到十几公里之外,让我联想国内的事故。前几天林权说离岸流很危险,大概也类似,我们评估过救援难度,海洋舟安全最大风险和后果,就在这里。

旧帖 2015-09-11 00:07:02
Post #91
Re: 潮汐流和风的作用再思考 海洋舟安全和救援( ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 有时我怀疑自己是不是像祥林嫂,安全总是罗罗嗦嗦, 一遍又一遍,这次跟这个向导交流过,才放心自己没有过。出问题是中国皮划艇领队们,不喜欢罗嗦,不到万不得已不会骂人或说人。

旧帖 2015-09-11 00:49:58
Post #92
Re: 潮汐流和风的作用再思考 海洋舟安全和救援( ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 说一个过分的事,觉得安全美国人是如此负责。三年前我们第一次漂流著名四级河(大筏和充气船),蛮紧张地。 第一天没有事故,第二天第二次在这条河活动,在某个地方出了些状况,大筏在一大石头卡住,要翻,狼狈折腾了二十分钟(某些洋人向导帮了一些忙,没有让最坏事发生)。

突然一个美国向导过来(没帮我们忙)跟我们说: you don't belong to this river (你们不属于这条河)。当时我觉得很委屈,我们第一天没问题,我们是有实力地呀, 结果剩下行程比较顺利完成。回头一想,的确如此事故尴尬,十有八九当事人没有足够实力,不应该下水,在一个个人权利特别被尊重的国度,you don't belong to this river 是一句让人丢脸的话,现在想想,那个陌生向导的行为蛮赞,虽然他不了解全部事实。
旧帖 2015-09-11 01:22:12
Post #93
Re: 潮汐流和风的作用再思考 海洋舟安全和救援( ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 因为8年前同样的河,我们以前一些队员不听我阻挠,用SEVYLOR渔船闯四级,最后摔得鼻青脸肿,一个个被商业向导大筏救起。回来后,被商业向导的老板写信大骂一顿,因为一次事故可能影响远远不是出事人本身,而且可能对顾客和行业会有重创可能性,并且商业带很多顾客,叫他们义务救人,增加了他们的危险。因此那些朋友是非常不道德不负责行为,5年之后这个故事可能还对当地商业产生负面影响, 可我们已经不是当年哪些人,那些飞得高的老人都放弃了漂流,还给我们留下一些坏名声。
旧帖 2015-09-11 01:26:37
Post #94
Re: 潮汐流和风的作用再思考 海洋舟安全和救援( ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 是这个故事激发了我的责任心,某帮主去年莽撞横渡海峡,要出事,会害苦整个皮划艇行业。我一点不后悔跳出来公开指责这种行为,我们是负责任的户外爱好者。

旧帖 2015-12-14 13:06:43
Post #95
潮汐流和风的作用再思考 海洋舟安全和救援(大师Lull,Dowd,H ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 如果没有海流,影响浪的大小,三个因素,风速,风走的直线距离长度





清华工程本科毕业生,海洋舟和漂流中国首席安全推手, 荒野皮划艇探险高级摄影师, 华人皮划艇荒野探险首席领队

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