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旧帖 2016-07-13 04:24:24
Post #1
再次里程碑 2019阿拉斯加海洋冰川--16华人首次独立探索-阿拉斯加冰川再研究
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04

再次里程碑 2019阿拉斯加海洋冰川--16华人首次独立探索-阿拉斯加冰川再研究


来自户外探险杂志 2016/11期



ZZ>撰文 摄影

乌云像是蘸饱了水,挂在海峡四周山的半腰,斑驳的冰原冰斗在云中若隐若现。两山之间,一道一公里多宽的冰川直冲进海面,竖起60米高的一面淡蓝色的冰壁。这是兰普鲁冰川(Lamplugh Glacier),我们这次海洋舟探险划过的第二道潮汐冰川。一艘游轮在冰川对面的山脚下停了一会儿,然后小心翼翼地向东南开走,带走了人类文明的最后一点痕迹。这也是游轮允许到达的最西海域。

"To An Alaskan Glacier"

Out of the cloud-world sweeps thy awful form,

Vast frozen river, fostered by the storm

Upon the drear peak's snow-encumbered crest,

Thy sides deep grinding in the mountain's breast

As down its slopes thou plowest to the sea

To leap into thy mother's arms, and be

There cradled into nothingness.


一路北京天津同学的调侃,烤着腊肠,早餐吃着稀饭萝卜干, 橄榄条榴莲糕芒果干, 一路唱着红尘滚滚潇洒走一回, 终于阿拉斯加的海洋冰川带上原汁的中国味。



kurtyang04 于 2019-09-21 01:59:40 编辑

清华工程本科毕业生,海洋舟和漂流中国首席安全推手, 荒野皮划艇探险高级摄影师, 华人皮划艇荒野探险首席领队

旧帖 2016-07-13 04:28:04
Post #2
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 冰川

冰河,或稱冰河拉丁语: glaciarium;英语法语: glacier;德语: Gletscher),是指大量冰塊堆積形成如同河川般的地理景觀。是一巨大的流動固體,是在高寒地區由層層積雪堆疊而成的巨大冰川冰。在終年冰封的高山或兩極地區,多年的積雪經重力或冰河之間的壓力,沿斜坡向下滑形成冰川。受重力作用而移動的冰河稱為山岳冰河或谷冰河,而受冰河之間的壓力作用而移動的則稱為大陸冰河或冰帽。兩極地區的冰川又名大陸冰川,覆蓋範圍較廣,是冰河時期遺留下來的。冰川是地球上最大的淡水資源,也是地球上繼海洋以後最大的天然水庫七大洲都有冰川。(澳大利亞的冰川都在島嶼上,不在大陸上。)

冰川灣國家公園Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve)是位於美國阿拉斯加州南部的一個國家公園。冰川灣國家國家公園最初於1925年2月25日設為國定公園。於1979年被UNESCO登錄為世界自然遺產。1980年12月2日,升格為冰川灣國家公園。1986年,冰川灣國家公園被劃入生物圈保護區。公園面積達13,287平方公里。冰川灣國家公園是馴鹿雪羊鯨魚水鳥等動物的棲息地。冰川灣國家公園內沒有道路,因此主要的游覽方式是通過游船或飛機在空中游覽。儘管如此,平均每年參觀冰川灣國家公園的游客仍然達到30萬人(2006年為413,382人)。
kurtyang04 于 2016-07-13 04:45:14 编辑
旧帖 2016-07-13 04:28:42
Post #3
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 What is a Glacier?

Glaciers form because snowfall in the high mountains exceeds snowmelt. Imagine a place high in the mountains that catches a vast amount of falling snow every year. This place is so high and so cold that none of the snow melts even in the summer. In fact, whatever precipitation that falls over the course of the year, falls in the form of snow. Over time, that snow pack builds. Soon the weight of the snowflakes in the upper layers of the snow pack presses down deforming the snowflakes beneath. The snowflakes in the pack first change to granular snow – round ice grains – and eventually morph into solid ice.
Glacier ice is different from the ice in your refrigerator. The ice crystals form slowly under pressure and individual crystals can grow to be the size of a football. Air trapped between the snowflakes is also frozen into the ice at pressure. Ice near the bottom of the glacier is under tremendous pressure, which allows it to flow almost like a plastic over the bedrock beneath. Friction between the glacier and the bedrock produces meltwater which further lubricates the bedrock allowing the ice to slide.

Tidewater Glaciers

If a glacier is fed by enough snow to flow out of the mountains and down to the sea, we call it a "tidewater" glacier - the type many people come to Glacier Bay to see. As water undermines some ice fronts, great blocks of ice up to 200 feet high break loose and crash into the water. Johns Hopkins Glacier calves such volumes of ice that it is seldom possible for larger boats to approach its ice cliffs closer than about two miles.
kurtyang04 于 2016-07-13 04:50:00 编辑
旧帖 2016-07-13 04:31:12
Post #4
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 8天7夜的荒野露营活动。


艰辛不仅仅是第一次,在一个地方从来没有一个中国人海洋舟粉丝,海洋的梦想不仅仅是需要自己去突破,而且要打造一个团队去实现这个梦想。 这个计划整整耗了我三年时间。

。对皮划艇来讲,只有在阿拉斯加才能见到最多的东西,尽管别的地方也有自己的特色, 但阿拉斯加的实用和户外自由,是南极北极什么无法比的。


kurtyang04 于 2017-08-31 05:02:08 编辑
旧帖 2016-07-13 04:34:45
Post #5
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 预留
旧帖 2016-07-13 12:00:08
Post #6
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
磨小编 离线 磨小编 看到楼主这么用心地写作业,磨小编感动不已,特邀你来参加点评线路上首页的活动。不仅可以晒出你渊博的线路知识,帮助更多的户外驴友,还可以秀出你可爱的队友,分享走户外线路的欢乐。



欢迎调戏 \(•ㅂ•)/♥

旧帖 2016-07-13 14:06:55
Post #7
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探 ...
奔跑迎风 离线 奔跑迎风 请多些图片smile
旧帖 2016-07-13 15:04:23
Post #8
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探 ...
午夜天野 离线 午夜天野 看到这白色和蓝色,太纯了,太美了,太震撼了smile
旧帖 2016-07-13 17:26:08
Post #9
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
skywalker1966 离线 skywalker1966 向往
旧帖 2016-07-13 23:44:09
Post #10
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04
奔跑迎风 wrote:

旧帖 2016-07-14 00:02:28
Post #11
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04

我们去的公园,有的地方像河流峡谷,有的地方像湖,更多的地方像海。 这种高山地质下的海,更像高山河流。两边是最高接近5000米的雪山,两岸河道都是几万年前大冰川下切割的杰作(这个过程还没有结束)。
你见不到一般海洋的日出日落,壮观的日出和日落很罕见,雪峰顶常常云雾缭绕,多雨的天气,冰冷的水温(零度到7度), 用冰川河,大冰河峡谷来形容最贴切。
kurtyang04 于 2016-07-14 03:05:24 编辑
旧帖 2016-07-14 00:37:47
Post #12
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 这个地方还以看鲸鱼著名。 介绍这里的鲸鱼品种:

座头鲸学名Megaptera novaeangliae)又名大翅鲸驼背鲸巨臂鲸,俗稱海崎閩南語),屬於鬚鯨亞目海洋哺乳動物。其名「座头」之名源于日文「座頭」(ザトウ),意为「琵琶」,是指鲸鱼背部的形状。該物種為大型鯨魚:成年鯨身長可達約11.5至16公尺之間(39至52英尺)[3],剛出生的仔鯨長約3至6公尺,目前最大的雌性標本身長將近19公尺(62英尺),胸鰭長達6公尺(20英尺)[4];然而根據捕鯨者描述,座头鲸最大的紀錄全長近27公尺(88英尺),體重接近90噸[5]。成年鯨体重25至30吨,最重可達40吨[6][7],新生仔鯨重1至2噸[3]。座头鲸以其躍出水面姿勢、超長的前翅與複雜的叫聲而聞名。全世界各大海洋都有座頭鯨的蹤跡,是賞鯨者的最愛之一。由於數量極為稀少,已列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》附录。

座头鲸可由他們帶有明顯駝峰的厚實身軀,以及黝黑的上半部而輕易辨認。頭部與下顎佈滿稱為節瘤的小型瘤狀突起,這些小瘤其實是毛囊,也是此物種的特色。尾鳍具有波浪狀聳起邊緣,於潛水過程中常會往上舉離水面,和胸鰭皆具有白色斑,但不同個體身上的白色斑範圍都不同(辨別方式與小天鵝的鳥喙標記相似),因此此特徵可用來進行個別辨識[9][10][註 1]。就比例而言,座頭鯨的頭部較大,約占全長的三分之一;頭頂的兩個噴氣孔明顯,噴出的水氣從正面看近似心形,一般高度2.5至3公尺,最高可達約6公尺(20英尺)。嘴內的鯨鬚每側270至400條之間[11],最長可達1公尺,最寬達30公分,多為黑色或橄欖棕色,少數個體則帶有灰白色剛毛。喉腹摺12至36道[3],最短約46公分(18英寸),最長約91公分(3英尺),每道之間的間隔頗大,最長可達腹部[12]。關於座頭鯨會演化出所有鯨科動物比例上最長的胸鰭,目前有多種理論,兩種最盛行的假設為:胸鰭長帶來的高度機動性具有可觀進化利益,或者,較大的表面積有助於在寒帶溫帶遷徙時的體溫調節。


旧帖 2016-07-14 00:49:39
Post #13
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 世界冰川数量与分布地区
南极洲             13 980 000
格陵兰岛          1 802 400
北极岛屿          226 090
欧洲                 21 415
亚洲                 109 085
北美洲              67 522
南美洲              25 500
kurtyang04 于 2016-07-23 18:40:05 编辑
旧帖 2016-07-14 00:51:39
Post #14
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 中国冰川


1 分布
1.1 青藏高原

2 主要冰川
3 资料来源





kurtyang04 于 2016-07-23 18:42:35 编辑
旧帖 2016-07-14 01:05:08
Post #15
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 看看世界冰川分布图, 其实阿拉斯加和中国冰川面积类似,但在世界比重不大。


中国冰川和阿拉斯加最大区别是一个高海拔,一个是低海拔,海拔低到海洋水平线以下。同样的壮观和美丽,高海拔的冰川(6000米以上)危险困难你懂得,于是我猜想中国冰川每年总计有几万人专门为了梦中冰川而探索或旅行,而阿拉斯加,这个数目(游客)是年上百万而计(一大半来自豪华游轮, 一般游艇),得益于方便可靠舒适。
旧帖 2016-07-14 01:18:24
Post #16
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 但是从美国国家公园统计数字,看海洋冰川,大豪华轮人数目是小游轮的10倍,是自己皮划艇探索那些人数目的2000倍。



在冰川公园里,皮划艇爱好者是最受尊重的客人,公园管理大开各种绿灯,是最自由的方式, 是这个著名公园最高品质的户外生活。
kurtyang04 于 2016-07-23 18:45:51 编辑
旧帖 2016-07-14 01:23:11
Post #17
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 对皮划艇爱好者的尊重,和中国那些愚蠢的管理相比(当然情况在好转),可叹美国国家之强大,在于其人民被尊重和良好民风。

活动成功的当天,我有一个新的梦想, 就是让更多的炎黄之孙,用安全开心的挑战方式,用合理的付出方式,感受阿拉斯加的冰川,大海和荒野。
kurtyang04 于 2017-08-31 05:06:05 编辑
旧帖 2016-07-14 08:58:39
Post #18
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
晃人 离线 晃人 这样的活动比较稀少,赞一下


旧帖 2016-07-14 09:12:17
Post #19
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
压缩机 离线 压缩机 +10分

QQ:308794632 微信:itom3771

旧帖 2016-07-15 00:41:20
Post #20
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 比较正式的阿拉斯加冰川报道和信息:

Matanuska Glacier: Hike or Drive
Being able to walk up to any glacier is a stunning experience, and this big boy is the biggest, and perhaps most impressive roadside glacier, in part because you can easily touch it.
Just a 2.5-hour drive from Anchorage, the Matanuska Glacier sits off the scenic but less-traveled Glenn Highway. More than four miles wide at its terminus, Matanuska is so massive that the water flowing out of its snout forms the roaring Matanuska River.
To see the glacier, you can just take one of the pullouts all along the highway —each with great photo ops—or you can drive near the glacier’s edge for up-close photos. One qualifier: Access to the glacier is on private land, so there’s a $15 fee.
If getting close isn’t enough, you can also join a guiding company for a glacier hike, ice climbing class or rafting trip (with the option of either scenic or whitewater routes). The sheer ice walls, deep blue holes (called moulins) and creaking ice make it an unforgettable experience.
At the very least, it’s a great excuse to drive the Glenn Highway. This road trip gives you a feel for the colorful adventurers, guides and backcountry Alaskans who live in these remote corners of the state. It’s easy to spend a couple days out here, thanks to the great lodges—not the big, cruise-circuit lodges, but intimate, family-run places that attract independent-minded travelers


Prince William Sound: Day Cruise

You’ve likely seen those iconic glacier images, with hunks of ice crashing into the ocean. But to experience that humbling sight in person, your best bet is to go to Prince William Sound.

Tidewater glaciers originate high in the mountains and cover dozens of miles before plunging into the sea. Only 90 minutes from Anchorage by car or train, Prince William Sound has more tidewater glaciers than anywhere on earth, and it’s one of the easiest places to take a glacier cruise. It’s also one of the most affordable places: the glaciers aren’t terribly far away, and there are multiple companies to choose from.

Most tours take between four and five hours, but there are two distinct types of cruises, and they offer different experiences: You’ll see more glaciers on the high-speed catamarans—such as the Surprise Glacier in Harriman Fjord, which some people think is the best calving glacier in the sound. The slower cruising boats, on the other hand, spend more time at the glaciers they visit, and those trips often include Blackstone Bay, where you can listen to the creaking and cracking ice while eating prime rib and king crab.

Mendenhall Glacier: Hike or Float
Southeast Alaska has just one glacier accessible by road, but it makes up for its novelty in being extremely accessible: you can even take a cab here pretty easily.
Located 12 miles outside of Juneau, Mendenhall Glacier gets more than 400,000 visitors each year. You can get there by taking a narrated bus tour, but you can also go on your own:  A taxi  to the glacier costs $35 one way, while a shuttle bus is just $8 each way.
A half-mile wide, the glacier feeds Mendenhall Lake, which stays pretty placid: While there are some icebergs in the lake, the face ranges from 5 to 200 feet tall, so you can’t expect booming calving action.
You can, however, do some good exploring. There’s a Forest Service Visitor Center overlooking the lake and glacier, which has a large aerial map of the icefield, an informational video and spotting scopes ($3).
The Forest Service also maintains several trails. One of them is The Trail of Time, a ½-mile paved interpretive walk, with signs marking the glacier’s recession. The East Glacier Trail,  meanwhile, is a 3.5 mile loop with 500 feet of elevation gain, which gives you a good bird’s eye view of the ice.
You’ll get good photos from any trail, but none of them will lead you up to the glacier ice, due to the lake and cliffs. You can also take a guided hike of this area.

Exit Glacier
There are some glaciers you can drive to, but very few that you can stroll to. Just 15 miles from Seward—where many cruises embark and disembark—Exit Glacier is one of the most popular road-accessible glaciers in the state. In fact, you can walk almost right up to the face of it in 30 minutes, by way of the Edge of the Glacier Trail.
Exit Glacier is not huge, but it looks big up close, so it makes a great place for photos. It’s also a good spot to learn about glacial movement, since it’s receding quickly; there's even a guide marking its recession over the past 120 years.
The well-developed trails here have good footing and interpretive signs, explaining the return of plant life after the ice. There’s also a self-guided audio tour on The Alaska App, narrated by the Park Service’s chief interpretive ranger.
If you’re looking for more of an adventure, take the Harding Icefield Trail, which climbs 3,500 feet in 4 miles, and gives great views of the glacier. There are also guided hikes on the glacier, if you want to strap on crampons and walk on the ice.

Stay at the Kennicott Glacier Lodge
Talk about a room with a glacier view: This is the only glacier in the state with a hotel across the street. There’s no other place where a glacier is such a constant presence—that tongue of ice creating a backdrop for your whole stay.
The Kennicott Glacier Lodge looks out over undulating piles of rock and silt, as well as the moraine on top of the ice. On clear days, you can see the alpine ice falls on Mount Blackburn (16,390 feet) at the head of the glacier.
The only challenge: McCarthy-Kennicott is pretty remote—an 8-hour drive from Anchorage or a 2-hour flight. But there’s plenty to do in this old mining town, including glacier day hikes, whitewater rafting and flightseeing over the ice-studded Wrangell St. Elias Mountains.
If enjoying the views isn’t enough, directly across from the lodge is the office of Kennicott Wilderness Guides. They will equip you with crampons for a guided walk on the nearby Root Glacier. That’s two glaciers in one day!

Take the Railroad to Spencer Glacier
Robustly colorful and relaxing to reach. Set between Anchorage and Denali, Spencer bends the road-accessible glacier definition just a little: the only way to see it is by rail.
Spencer Glacier ends in a glacial lake, and such lakes are gorgeous sights themselves. When the ice rolls, it reveals deep, dark blue ice that’s saturated by fresh water. Spencer Lake is filled with blue icebergs—which, in fresh water, are called growlers.
When you get off the Alaska Railroad, you can float next to the ice on a raft trip across the lake with Spencer Glacier Rail and Raft.  Or, you can hike to the glacier. You can hike on your own or join a Forest Service employee for an interpretive hike; there are two trails, both gravel-surfaced, which are 2.6 and 6.8 miles round trip. You’ll have two hours to explore the area before you have to catch the train heading southbound. 
If you opt for the longer trail, you’ll just have to hustle to get back in time. But the bonus with the latter trail is that you’ll get to within 100 feet of the glacier’s terminus
旧帖 2016-07-15 00:44:52
Post #21
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探索阿拉斯加 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 7
Glacier Bay National Park
Dozens of glaciers, calving action and wildlife galore: this National Park and Preserve is popular because it offers a greatest hits collection of Alaskan sights and is boat-accessible.
Glacier Bay has more than 50 named glaciers, as well as two major arms: East Arm and West Arm. Most people who come to the Park—and there can be 400,000 of them a year—come by way of a cruise ship, and most of those ships head up the West Arm, towards the Margerie Glacier. The reason? It's the most impressive glacier, which is advancing 12 to 14 feet a day and calves frequently.
You’ll often see seals hauled out on the ice chunks, here; if you’re in front of the Margerie Glacier, you’ll also be within sight of the Grand Pacific Glacier. This glacier once filled the entire bay, reaching Icy Strait in the late 1700s. Receding rapidly, its face is now covered with rocky moraine. Other well-known glaciers in the Park include Johns Hopkins, Reid, Carroll and Lamplugh glaciers. 
Just as impressive as the glaciers, however, is the land exposed by the ice’s recession. You’ll see sculpted rock, eroded hillsides and scraped granite. The Park is also filled with wildlife, with bears foraging the tide line, mountain goats grazing near sea level and seals, sea lions and whales bustling about in the water.

Flightsee Ruth Glacier
With a gorge deeper than the Grand Canyon, and glacial ice 3,800 feet deep, it’s hard to find a more impressive alpine glacier environment than this in Alaska. And while this mind-blogging spot near Mt. McKinley is famous among mountaineers, you don’t have to be one of them to make your way there.
Alpine glaciers form on the peaks or slopes of mountains, and are higher in elevation than valley or tidewater glaciers. The Great Gorge of the Ruth Glacier has 5,000-foot sheer granite walls rising up on either side of the ice, making them some of the highest granite walls on earth. The glacier ice drops 2,000 feet in ten miles— and if the ice melted away, the remaining gorge would be deeper than the Grand Canyon.
Your best bet for seeing it is to take one of the flightseeing tours from Talkeetna that fly over the Ruth. Some of these tours make glacier landings, of a half hour or so, in the Ruth Amphitheatre, a wide-open section of the Ruth Glacier surrounded by mile-high peaks and views of Mt. McKinley (which is just 6 miles away).
If you want to spend a whole morning or afternoon near the Ruth Glacier, K2 Aviation offers a guided hiking experience to Moraine Lake: You’ll land on a floatplane on a glacial lake on the edge of the Ruth Glacier, and then take a guided hike with the massive Ruth Glacier as your backdrop.

Drive to Worthington Glacier
If you can’t get enough snow, this spot is for you: Just 28 miles from Valdez, the Worthington Glacier is fed by the snows of the Chugach Mountains around Thompson Pass—and in fact, it's the snowiest place in the state.
How snowy can it get here? During its peak winter, 1951-52, the area got more than 80 feet of snow. Because of the steady snows, Worthington Glacier is not retreating as quickly as most. It’s also one of the most studied glaciers in the state: a National Science Foundation project is three-dimensionally mapping its flow.
Plus, it’s one of the easiest “walk-up” glaciers in the state, with a short paved hike to a viewing platform. Motorcoach tours visit the glacier, which has a large parking area, covered viewing shelter and interpretive signs. But if you’re traveling on your own, you can rent a car for the quick drive from Valdez, or join a guiding company for a glacier trek or ice climbing trips.

Childs Glacier: Drive or Float
Talk about natural drama: This is probably Alaska’s best roadside glacier, because it's the only one where you are almost guaranteed to see calving. 
The Copper River flows into and past the Childs, undercutting the face and causing continuous calving—and we mean continuous: during the summer, it happens about every 15 minutes.
The only issue here is access. You have to fly or ferry to Cordova, a small fishing town, and from there you drive an hour along a road that was once the route of the Copper River Railway. The glacier is across the river, ¼ mile away, so you can’t walk up to it, but the view is great and the calving is intense. There’s even a viewing platform, since big calvings send waves across the river that scour the beach.
Indeed, there is some comfort in the fact that you can’t get any closer. There are stories of people finding salmon stranded in the forest, washed 20 to 30 feet from the river by these glacier tsunamis. Nearby, too, is the famous Million Dollar Bridge.

Columbia Glacier: Day Cruise or Kayak
Want some dramatic scenery? This glacier in the eastern part of Prince William Sound has been in a “catastrophic” retreat since 1982, a phenomenon predicted to stop by 2020.
Indeed, every day, 13 million tons of ice break off the face of it, leaving chunks in the water that are often twice as big as the boat you’re riding. That means that just getting close to this glacier can be tricky.
Tour boats leave from Valdez to see the Columbia, and tours tend to be about seven hours long, with wildlife viewing along the way. If the boat can get close to the glacier, you’ll be within one mile of its face, and you’ll get a 270-degree view of glacier ice that’s 200 to 400 feet tall. (Otherwise, you might be no closer than 12 miles.)
To get a preview of this dramatic glacier, check out this aerial video, filmed by Alaska.org’s Bob Kaufman from his airplane.

Twin Sawyer Glaciers in Tracy Arm
If you travel for the photo ops, the twin Sawyer Glaciers will keep you very busy: touring them gives you an up-close, vivid look at the ice.
The North and South Sawyer Glaciers are tidewater glaciers at the head of Tracy Arm, a 27-mile long inlet 50 miles south of Juneau. The inlet is incredibly narrow—often times no more than ½ mile wide—and cliffs rise over 3,000 feet on either side, with waterfalls covering the sheer rock walls.
The tour then, is nicely dramatic. Large cruise ships and day tours navigate tight S-turns to the glaciers. The South Sawyer is the larger of the two, and if the ice conditions are good, you can come within ½ mile of the face. Because this glacier extends deep underwater, the ice is compressed, making for very big and very blue icebergs.
There’s more than just ice to see, too: You can often spot bears and mountain goats on shore, and a seal colony near the glacier.

Hubbard Glacier: Cruise
This tidewater glacier may be a bit of sleeping giant. Off the coast of Yakutat—200 miles NW of Juneau—Hubbard is certainly gigantic: it's more than six miles wide where it meets the ocean.
It’s also been very active in the past, having had two major surges in the past 30 years. Those surges were big enough to cross the bay, turning the fjord into a lake and threatening to flood the coastal town of Yakutat.
For now, the glacier isn’t surging, but you could say that it’s a pretty light sleeper— it does calve a lot. The face is up to 400 feet tall, and icebergs 3 to 4 stories in height aren’t uncommon. 
Granted, most of that ice is below water, but the ice can be so thick that cruise ships can’t get too close. In the right conditions, however, your ship might be able to get within 1/2 mile of the face.
旧帖 2016-07-15 00:51:05
Post #22
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 全球华人首次中大型探 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 上面是阿拉斯加13个最著名的冰川大路线,最多最精彩的来自水上方式(水上部分70% 可靠游轮,100%可以靠 皮划艇), 一小部分可以徒步可达(皮划艇爱好者当然可以徒步所有可以走到的冰川),还有两处靠飞机和火车。

kurtyang04 于 2016-07-23 18:53:00 编辑
旧帖 2016-07-15 04:41:17
Post #23
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 华人首次中型户外探索 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 亲吻冰川


旧帖 2016-07-15 05:30:57
Post #24
与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 华人首次中型户外探索阿拉斯加海洋活 ...
冷-龙 离线 冷-龙 不错


旧帖 2016-07-15 09:18:24
Post #25
Re: 与Kurt 划海洋冰川 -- 华人首次中型户外探索阿拉斯加海 ...
南樵 离线 南樵 强帖!+10

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