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旧帖 2008-07-12 10:34:33
Post #1
kingfish 离线 kingfish


Pink-necked Green Pigeon
Punai Gading
Treron vernans




Pink-necked Green Pigeons eat mainly fruits. Their colourful attire allows them to blend perfectly in the foliage of fruiting trees (can you spot the pigeon in the photo on the left?)

Figs are their favourite, but they also eat palm fruit and berries, and nibble on buds. In Sungei Buloh, their favourite food include the fruit of the Macaranga, Cherry Tree (Muntingia calabura), small banyan figs (Ficus benjamina), and Singapore Rhododendron (Melastoma malabathricum).

Like other Green Pigeons, they are arboreal and seldom come the ground except to drink, although they may snack on berries of low bushes.

Pink-necked Green Pigeons are the only Green Pigeons found commonly outside the primary forest. They prefer habitats with trees that provide fruits as well as a safe perch including mangroves, scrub, secondary forest, forest edge.

Mangrove and wetland wildlife at
Sungei Buloh Nature Park
Main features: Medium (25cm), chubby; bill pale green; feet red. See below for difference from other Green Pigeons.

Male: Head and throat grey; upper breast and neck pinkish-purple; lower breast orange.

Female: Uniform green plumage; yellow stripe in wing; belly has yellow tinge; thighs mixed dark green and yellow; under tail coverts pale cinnamon.

Call: Described as rapidly repeated bubbling whistles, chuckles, gurgles in a variety of songs.


In flight: Fast, direct flight. When disturbed, flies off with clapping wing beats.

Similar birds: Other Green Pigeons. The Pink-necked has a grey tail with broad black subterminal band and narrow white tip.

Status in Singapore: Very common resident throughout the island and North and South offshore islands.

World distribution: Southeast Asia from Southern Myanmar, to the Malay peninsula, to Sulawesi, the Philippines and Borneo.

Classification: Family Columbidae, subfamily Treroninae (Fruit Pigeons). World 310 species, Singapore 11 species.

Pink-necked Green Pigeons forage most actively in the early morning. Although they may feed in flocks of up to 30 in a fruiting tree, males especially may defend small patches from others in the flock. Pink-necked Green Pigeons tend to roost together and a site may attract hundreds of birds from a wide area and become a traditional roost. Favoured roosting sites are tall trees in swamps and mangroves. But they nest alone and not in large colonies.

Pigeons and doves do not have well-developed oil glands, which in other birds are used to waterproof their feathers. Instead, they have special plumes scattered throughout their body which disintegrate to produce a powder which cleans and lubricates the feathers.
Breeding (late March to late July): The male Pink-necked is very handsome and colourful. The duller female is easily confused with those of other Green Pigeons and is best identified by her male consort who is usually nearby.

Like other pigeons, the nest is a flimsy platform of twigs. About 15-20 cm in diameter, and so thin that sometimes the contents can be seen from below! The male collects the nesting material and passes these on to the female to assemble. Pairs nest alone, preferring spots near open spaces, in bushes as low as 2m off the ground and up to 10m high in trees and palms. Pigeon's Milk

The most fascinating feature of pigeons and doves is their ability to produce crop milk. During breeding season, special glands in the crops of both males and females enlarge and secrete a thick milky substance. The chicks drink this milk by poking their bills into the parent's throat.

Thus, pigeons and doves can feed their young without having to incessantly hunt or forage for food. Instead of laying many eggs, they lay one or at most two eggs. Their abundance is proof that this feature gives them the advantage.
1-2 white eggs are laid. Both parents take turns incubating them and both raise the young. Fledglings may remain near the nest for up to 1 week.

Migration? Although Pink-necked Green Pigeons may travel long distances to forage for food, they are quite sedentary and don't migrate.

Status and threats: The Pink-necked Green Pigeons used to be far more common in the past; bags of them where regularly shot during colonial times in Singapore. They are still hunted in other parts of Asia, usually shot as they gathered in large flocks in the evening at their communal roosts. They are a particular favourite probably because, according to Tweedie, they are "just big enough to be worth cooking". Besides this hunting pressure, they are probably also affected by the disappearance of their food trees. Nevertheless, Pink-neck Pigeons are still among the more commonly seen of Green Pigeons in Singapore as they have adapted to non-forest habitats such as mangroves, cultivated land in rural as well as urban areas.

上周曾有十多只同时集中在一棵数上采食,可惜他们的颜色和树叶类似. 颈部粉色的那只是公鸟, 带点绿色的这只是母鸟.昨天处理照片时,才发现它们的眼睛是那么漂亮的蓝色.

kingfish 于 2008-07-17 14:20:42 编辑
旧帖 2008-07-13 12:45:08
Post #3
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
最黑的石头 离线 最黑的石头 庭草上次讲课放过,很漂亮!
旧帖 2008-07-15 07:43:33
Post #4
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
黄牛 离线 黄牛 呵呵  我以为是鸽子呢?

山不转哪水在转      水不转哪云在转      云不转哪风在转      风不转哪心也转      心不转哪水在转      水不转哪山也转

旧帖 2008-07-15 08:53:11
Post #5
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
桐壶更衣 离线 桐壶更衣 不错,挺漂亮,外形确实有点像鸽子

植物专业分类QQ群:252971451,芳草寻源中草药群: 226124098

旧帖 2008-07-15 09:38:40
Post #6
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
kingfish 离线 kingfish 这种鸟很少落地的,都是在树上找寻食物,公司门口就有很大片树林, 里面鸟种类很多.
旧帖 2008-07-15 13:19:48
Post #7
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
za 离线 za 剛看圖片我也以為是鴿子...

旧帖 2008-07-25 17:33:41
Post #8
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
kingfish 离线 kingfish 今天中午吃饭时,路上捡到一只幼鸟,带回办公室,采了些大鸟吃的食物掰开嘴巴喂它,一下午它很乖的呆在窗台上.我要搜索下如何能把它养大了.

旧帖 2008-07-25 18:55:41
Post #9
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
伐晓得 离线 伐晓得 鸽子……
旧帖 2008-07-25 19:16:39
Post #10
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
夜色如此阑珊 离线 夜色如此阑珊 确实很似鸽子哦,是否有亲缘关系。。。
旧帖 2008-07-25 21:19:36
Post #11
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
kingfish 离线 kingfish 确实不是鸽子,我查了它最爱吃的是樱桃和榕树上的无花果.
我刚喂了它吃了两只龙眼, 一点豆腐,面包. 小米我会试下的,它目前不会自己吃东西.
旧帖 2008-07-27 21:06:04
Post #12
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
za 离线 za 幼鳥和成鳥長的有點有一樣?

旧帖 2008-07-28 17:45:33
Post #13
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
kingfish 离线 kingfish
za wrote:




旧帖 2008-07-28 19:43:47
Post #14
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
夜色如此阑珊 离线 夜色如此阑珊     肯定是幼鳥啦...头上还有没换掉的小绒毛,翅膀下缘还有待换的羽毛...根据俺养过鸟类与鸽子的经验(其实是旁观家人养过,自己只是观察家smile),这个应是刚长成的准成鸟,估计也快要到了离家独自生活的时候...我看这2天它的气色好了很多,羽毛也不是那么蓬松了,应该无大碍了...估计还会有一次换羽...
    看毛色,似乎是只MMsmile 鸟类中,GG都比MM好看,MM一般都很朴素Dcoolbig smile...GG为了表现,都要比外在美,不看心里美的...跟人一样big smile
旧帖 2008-07-28 21:15:30
Post #15
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
kingfish 离线 kingfish
夜色如此阑珊 wrote:
    看毛色,似乎是只MMsmile 鸟类中,GG都比MM好看,MM一般都很朴素Dcoolbig smile...GG为了表现,都要比外在美,不看心里美的...跟人一样big smile

羽毛有很多一部分是我给它弄乱的,我要一手抓住它的头,把嘴弄开,然后往里塞东西,龙眼,虾,玉米什么的,结果,就把它弄湿了. 已经会自己啄食那个红果了,希望它早点自立.


我们德国同事给它起了个名字 Piepmatz, 意思是很滑稽的小鸟.

kingfish 于 2008-07-29 09:01:47 编辑
旧帖 2008-08-03 11:25:48
Post #16
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
kingfish 离线 kingfish 上周五晚上,我把它带回家,放在阳台上,我中午去朋友家,下午回来它呆在阳台栏杆的最高处.梳理羽毛或睡觉.



旧帖 2008-08-03 13:03:44
Post #17
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
za 离线 za 上面後面那張照片就像它在說,,,,,,,,謝謝您的照顧,我該離開了

旧帖 2009-06-13 21:57:17
Post #18
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
kingfish 离线 kingfish 今天看摄影展览,其中的一张照片,证明了我收养的那只小鸟确实是粉颈绿鸠的幼鸟.

旧帖 2009-06-15 08:57:19
Post #19
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
给点阳光就灿烂 离线 给点阳光就灿烂 细节都那么充分,好羡慕这种摄影技术dead

keep smiling...

旧帖 2009-06-15 10:55:56
Post #20
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
金丘 离线 金丘 长大以后原来那么漂亮,真美。smile
旧帖 2009-06-15 13:08:40
Post #21
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
kingfish 离线 kingfish
金丘 wrote:

以前我还养过一只八哥,每天晚上放它出来在屋里飞, 它会落到我的头上和肩上.
旧帖 2009-06-17 09:50:33
Post #22
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
花脸猫 离线 花脸猫 很美的故事呀,赞一个!


心比天高 人比猪懒

旧帖 2009-06-17 13:04:08
Post #23
Re: 粉颈绿鸠(红颈绿鸠)
雪夜孤灯 离线 雪夜孤灯
夜色如此阑珊 wrote:
    看毛色,似乎是只MMsmile 鸟类中,GG都比MM好看,MM一般都很朴素Dcoolbig smile...GG为了表现,都要比外在美,不看心里美的...跟人一样big smile



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