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旧帖 2015-01-07 03:09:13
Post #1
创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04

创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场

漫游同学开始代理, 指向皮划艇是国内第一个俱乐部用类似艇的人群,这类型折叠艇有可能开创低端折叠艇的里程碑,口碑很不错,很多媒体夸此产品是折叠艇的突破,尤其是低端市场占主导的大陆,其潜力可观。本人自己在观望中。





kurtyang04 于 2015-01-08 00:23:32 编辑
旧帖 2015-01-07 03:12:56
Post #2
Re: 创造性地低端折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 http://www.paddling.net/Reviews/showReviews.html?prod=3064
旧帖 2015-01-07 03:13:29
Post #3
Re: 创造性地低端折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04
Reviews for Bay Kayak by Oru Kayak

Rated: 8.7/10 Based On: 20 Reviews


Length: 12' 0" - Width: 25.00" - Starting at: $1095.00
See More Details about this Kayak

Submitted by: CGL
Rating: 10 of 10

     I fly fish from my Oru Kayak, and have done so for a little more than a year now. Generally, I fish from it and cast from the seated position. Other times, I troll. I store gear in a dry bag located on the floor between my knees. There is a clip there, and the dry bag is secured to that clip. I fashioned a rod holder (I designed it myself) that is secured under the X-shaped elastic bow strap. This way, the rod is easily available to me. The rod lies parallel to the kayak, and doesn't interfere with paddling at all. I also wear a fishing shirt with lots of pockets for extra storage. I store a fish measuring board under the right side of the X-shaped deck strap, and often clip a boga grip there also.
If I'm going out to the flats to wade, I have a 3 lb. dumb bell on a rope that I use as an anchor for the kayak. A clip at the end of the rope can attach to one of several points on or in the kayak. There's additional room for storage in various sites, behind the seat and in the bow as well.

You do not want to stand and pole in this kayak. It's not made for it. It's really quite fast, but you trade stability for speed. I've never flipped in it, because I'm experienced and careful, but above all, lucky, I guess.

If I'm going to be kayaking in rough waters, I have an inflatable float bag that can be placed in the bow, in front of the bulkhead, and another that goes in the stern behind the bulkhead. Then, I use a spray skirt also. This gives additional security when paddling in rough water. I've seen many videos about how to roll a sit-in-side kayak, but have never actually practiced it. Probably should... someday I will.

Getting in and out isn't hard, but takes a bit more effort than in a sit-on-top kayak. I get my left leg out, then carefully place my right foot in the middle of the kayak, lean forward, and stand up. Rarely do I have the luxury of a nice pier made for kayaks.
Submit your own review!

Submitted by:
Rating: 10 of 10

     I needed to get back on the water again. I rowed - sweep and scull for 10 years, but it had become impossible to row. I would have loved to buy a scull, but they are expensive and difficult to store. The Oru Kayak brought me back to the water.
I had three issues - weight of the boat, transporting, and storage. The Oru answered all issues. The boat weighs in at 26 lbs. (I'm 5'1"wink A kayak weighing 50 lbs. would be impossible for me to lift. Transporting is a cinch - I throw it in my trunk. No expensive car top. And storage is a cinch as well. It folds up to the size of a large suitcase.

There are other advantages - I can launch from anywhere. High dock, low dock, rocky beach, sandy beach. I've done it all. All you need is room park your car and room to unfold it. And it's a sweet little boat. It tracks nicely and is light in the water. A lovely paddle is available to anyone.

Lastly, the company is great to work with. Great video to follow to learn how to unfold it. And customer service is great. I would highly recommend both the company and the boat.
旧帖 2015-01-07 03:15:09
Post #4
Re: 创造性地低端折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 08-11-2014
Submitted by: Shawn
Rating: 9 of 10

     The Oru Kayak is a 12 foot kayak that becomes its own box through a series of clever folds. I am picky about kayaks and expect anything I buy from toasters to Toyotas to deliver what they promise. I live in the middle of the Canadian prairies and knew I’d have to buy before I try, so I held off getting an Oru until some initial comments surfaced on the 'net.
Now I've had my Oru since the beginning of July and the bottom line is that this boat gets two enthusiastic thumbs way up! It's light, portable, sleek, suitably robust, handles well and makes paddling far, far too convenient. Do yourself a favour and get one!

- - - Handling
Let's talk handling first, because that's what a boat better be good at. If it transforms into a herd of Dinobots but handles like a shopping cart, I ain't buying it.
This may come as a surprise, but the Oru handles as well as any kayak its size. The chines are cut nicely to allow sleek tracking, and the lightweight kayak gets an advantage on speed. An adjustable footrest allows a paddler to push more into each stroke.

For the past couple years, I've made do with some plastic rec kayaks at the local marina to get my kayak fix. The Oru is way above rec status - rec boats are heavy, slow, and well, terrible really. The Oru is definitely a step above that. It can't quite compare to the performance of a 17' sea kayak with a rudder, but is one of the best kayaks of this size I've used and I have no qualms taking it anywhere I'd take a comparably sized and priced Necky for instance.

I've had the Oru on a flatwater man-made lake in the centre of my city (Regina, SK). I've taken it in roughish conditions on a mid sized lake with odd counter-currents and 30km/hr (18mph) winds and on a leisurely paddle in a longish lake. All with good tracking and manoeuverability. At the end of each paddle, an on-looker will almost always ask if my white and orange boat brought in any water. No. It doesn't. The only time I get wet is by paddling under a waterfall in the city lake or from entering the boat with wet sandals. Self-inflicted every time. It has never let in any water. The boat is sturdy, the corrugated plastic robust, and the handling very nice. It's a real boat, folks. I wouldn't paddle it over a bed of dagger-like rocks, but it's taken some bumps and scrapes with no signs of wear.

The Oru comes with a quality seat too, much like other kayaks in it's category. It doesn't have any dedicated storage, but you can stuff things behind the seat and strap items to the bow. (Straps included.) Mostly because of storage, I'd call the Oru mostly a daytripping kind of kayak. At some point this summer I plan do an overnight paddle across a nearby lake with a backpacking tent and sleeping bag tucked behind the seat. If you had someone to carry some of your multiday gear, you could easily take this on a longer trip.

- - - The Clever Twist
People will stop to talk as you assemble the Oru. It's natural. You show up with a box and ride into the waves in a boat. Who doesn't want to know more? It takes a maybe 30 minutes the first time you fold it into a boat, but after that can assemble it in less than 10 (mine has a particularly tough spot on the front fold that will get more flexible with more folds and reduce this time a bit). Collapsing it into a box is even quicker - 5 minutes max and that's mostly if you take time to sponge the water off and let it air dry a bit. There's one especially gratifying step in the folding process, a moment where you are folding it up where it's a boat, basically a boat, still a boat, then wham - a box. This gets a collective "ahh" from a crowd of onlookers every time and makes me grin like I invented the thing. Which I didn't. Still, I get a moment to bask in the brilliance of the design.

Everything - seat, footrest, even a PFD can be stowed in the box. I have a two-piece paddle and that's really the only thing I need to store outside the box. The box is about 32"x29"x12", though I'd give it at least 18" of width for proper storage. It fits in the corner of my bedroom.

While transporting is way more convenient than a rigid vessel, the Oru is a bit big in my Ford Focus hatchback. It takes up 2/3 of the back seat or most of my hatch. Because the straps and handles catch on the seat or hatch a bit, it fits best in an empty hatch, which mine never is. When I first got it I thought I could store the Oru in my hatch under its cover, but the Oru is taller than the hatch cover, meaning I can tuck it in there, but need to cover it with a blanket to keep people from seeing the kayak and its "Oru kayak" wording through my back window. A slightly bigger vehicle would be ideal. You could tuck the Oru in the back cargo area of an SUV easily and nobody would even know it was there.

Carrying the kayak is comfortable for fifty meters (50 yards) or so. But it is kind of awkward any farther. It's just a bit too big and sways into my calf or hip periodically. Once assembled, the kayak is light and easily carried, reminds me of the Olympic-stye racing kayaks for how easy it can be carried.

- - - Costumer Service
I've contacted Oru a few times via email and had friendly responses from Jess, Oru's customer service rep. My kayak arrived in six weeks as advertised on the site. They say four to six, but I'd expect six is the norm.

After the kayak arrived, I misplaced the user's manual and Jess shipped another copy within days of my email.

- - - Extras
The paddle, float bags and backpack. All of these are available on the Oru site now. I don't own any of these, figured I'd make sure I liked the boat first before investing too deeply into the system. I expect them all to be the same quality as the kayak and will probably purchase a backpack as my adventures take me farther from parking lots. I picked up a Aquabound Sting Ray paddle over the Oru paddle mostly because I got to try the Aquabound at a local store. (The Sting Ray is outstanding, by the way.)

- - - The Price
First, I'll say that for the month of August 2014, Oru is offering $100 off if you enter a code from someone who has purchased one. Feel free to enter VXISCSF7 at checkout for your discount. In return I get a gift certificate from REI as well.

By now, price can be your only reservation. The Oru is $1195 US. The Oru is capable and very convenient. I have it in the water about every third day, often on my way home from work. In the month I've owned it, after shipping costs and converting to Canadian dollars, the boat has cost me about $120 per hour of use. By the end of summer, I'll be at $60. And that's just my first summer with this kayak.

In short, the sheer convenience of this boat means I use it a lot. More than I would a rigid-build one that needs to be manhandled from a garage and strapped to a car. For me, it instantly rekindled a love of paddling and is worth every penny.

- - - Summary Pros + Cons

assembles and disassembles in 10 minutes
stable, fast, good tracking
lightweight, durable, handles like a "real" kayak
portable, brilliant design
slightly big for a compact car
minimal storage, no dedicated storage
旧帖 2015-01-07 03:24:29
Post #5
Re: 创造性地低端折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 还有很多评论,8.7算是很好的评论,相对FC的9.3-9.5, 自然合理,1/2.5-3的价格,性能也就最多一档。




耐用性只看到一个反馈,是正面地。 有人说这塑料材料可以折叠上万次。 所以这项未知。

kurtyang04 于 2015-01-07 05:04:50 编辑
旧帖 2015-01-07 05:07:29
Post #6
Re: 创造性低端折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 As impressive as the Oru kayak is, I still have two concerns — cost and durability. The two concerns are related. The current cost of the Oru is $1,095.00. That is less than half the cost of a more conventional folding kayak. The Feathercraft Kurrent, for example, is a folding kayak with an aluminum frame and a nylon & urethane hull. The Kurrent is 7 inches longer, has the same beam and weighs 5 more pounds than the Oru . The Kurrent costs around $2,508.29. On that basis the Oru is quite a bargain. On the other hand, the Feathercraft is very durable and should last for many years. (From time to time, I still paddle a more than 30 year old Klepper Aerius II folding kayak.)
The Oru appears to be built from a single sheet of coroplast, which is a corrugated polyurethane sheet, sort of like a plastic version of corrugated cardboard. If the corrugation is crushed it loses strength. How long with the Oru last? What sort of use and abuse will it be able to take? Given that the boat has only been manufactured for less than a year, it is hard to tell.

旧帖 2015-01-07 05:08:53
Post #7
Re: 创造性低端折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 上面说到了对ORU寿命的担心,目前市场总共才一年,无法验证。

旧帖 2015-01-07 12:43:35
Post #9
Re: 创造性突破低端折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
ggsyx 离线 ggsyx 国内什么价格呢?1000多刀也不便宜哦
旧帖 2015-01-07 14:34:48
Post #10
Re: 创造性突破低端折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
杜汗 离线 杜汗 卖的是创意,够不够扎实是关键,如果因为折叠和薄造成软,那就没什么意思了。

高峡平湖独木舟群120583990注明划艇 微信13802776833 独木舟狂人杜汉
真实真诚 不煽情不会死

旧帖 2015-01-07 22:58:55
Post #11
Re: 创造性突破低端折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
skywalker1966 离线 skywalker1966 Kurt,此艇非Oru,Anton Willis 没有在国内指定任何厂家来销售Oru艇。指向的痞子那里用的也不是Oru,至今没有一艘Oru进入国内。
skywalker1966 于 2015-01-07 23:13:25 编辑
旧帖 2015-01-07 23:11:46
Post #12
Re: 创造性突破低端折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市 ...
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04
ggsyx wrote:

旧帖 2015-01-07 23:33:27
Post #13
Re: 创造性突破低端折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 上面信息有些错误,抱歉了。
旧帖 2015-01-07 23:38:50
Post #14
Re: 创造性突破低端折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市 ...
skywalker1966 离线 skywalker1966
杜汗 wrote:

旧帖 2015-01-08 21:00:31
Post #15
Re: 创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
杜汗 离线 杜汗 好的,我等着看结果,最好有体验活动。

高峡平湖独木舟群120583990注明划艇 微信13802776833 独木舟狂人杜汉
真实真诚 不煽情不会死

旧帖 2015-01-16 10:59:07
Post #16
Re: 创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
lucky1954 离线 lucky1954 1000 多 ? 还不叫便宜 ?

多少 ? 才叫是 便宜 ?

爱好小帆船,还想找个伴,一起去游玩 !

旧帖 2015-01-16 11:11:26
Post #17
创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04
lucky1954 wrote:
1000 多 ? 还不叫便宜 ?

多少 ? 才叫是 便宜 ?


清华工程本科毕业生,海洋舟和漂流中国首席安全推手, 荒野皮划艇探险高级摄影师, 华人皮划艇荒野探险首席领队

旧帖 2015-03-25 06:24:20
Post #18
Re: 创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 大家给点反馈吧,用的人很多,包括山寨版
旧帖 2015-03-25 12:01:09
Post #19
Re: 创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
skywalker1966 离线 skywalker1966 Kurt, 月底会有6个人拿到Oru,还有一艘是Oru的豪华版Bay+,到时候会有评测的。
旧帖 2015-03-25 12:31:18
Post #20
创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 谢谢,oru 主导的中国折叠艇的巨变已开始,预测oru类似艇将为折叠艇的市场主要份额,并把更多的非土豪人引到皮划艇爱好圈来。

清华工程本科毕业生,海洋舟和漂流中国首席安全推手, 荒野皮划艇探险高级摄影师, 华人皮划艇荒野探险首席领队

旧帖 2015-03-25 13:47:54
Post #21
Re: 创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
skywalker1966 离线 skywalker1966 其中深圳的Jerry自己买了两条,第一批买了Bay,第二批买了Bay+。他汉语不好grin,估计说出来的话里有鹰语,反正你能看懂。
旧帖 2015-03-25 18:35:38
Post #22
Re: 创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
gzhang 离线 gzhang 大家好,我是Jerry
有很多人提出oru的重量是否会对他的性能有些影响,我觉得到没有,至少,在静水和小浪的海边划行没感觉出任何出乎我意料的反馈。其实人的体重远远大于船的自重,比如一个80kg的人坐在oru和一个20多kg重的硬艇里,也就是90多kg vs 100kg的区别,加上其他装备,这相差的10kg就更加没有任何影响力了。
说 一下材料,这个材料只能说,谁用谁知道,我也不是在这里吹它有多么多么的好,毕竟也就拿出去划过一次,没见过实货的朋友都会觉得一个塑料板应该不太耐操, 其实我也不知道这有没有采用什么特殊技术,不过感觉这个材料还是非常耐操的,跟你们信用卡的那个塑料片不是一个档次的哈,能不能用2万次,我不敢保证,但是就算能用上2千次我感觉已经值了。这个材料唯一有个缺陷就是水或者沙会进通过侧切面的缝隙进入两个夹板之间,不过影响不大。
Oru的安装过程我就不多说了,大家的评论都是一致的 – 太方便了!10分钟下水,5分钟收起,维护更方便,回家洗澡时裸体一起跟船冲个凉就搞定了,都不用拆开洗,直接在盒子里灌点水,倒出来就OK啦,用同一个毛巾擦干即可。
整体来讲,oru还是我认为最符合我们这种在中国相对屌丝的生活方式,所以一口气买了两条,人家老外 车多体壮房子大,人闲钱多环境好,拉几艘硬艇到处跑都很正常,在中国你扛个硬艇在车顶架上说不好一个交警就把你拦下了,说个半天估计都不知道你这是去干啥的。话说我现在弄了几条oru,茶几下的trak都很少用了。相信以后出进门出远门都带oru了! 还特地买了两个oru的背包,这个比oru的单肩带要舒服好多,我背这个从出发点到海边走了大概700-800米都没问题。好了,就说到这里。有啥问题直接问。

gzhang 于 2015-03-26 10:27:33 编辑
旧帖 2015-03-25 22:05:04
Post #23
Re: 创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
kurtyang04 离线 kurtyang04 Jerry, 非常感谢您提供那么丰富的反馈,很及时,ORU刮起的风很劲。
旧帖 2015-03-25 23:01:12
Post #24
Re: 创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
游民 离线 游民
gzhang wrote:


旧帖 2015-03-26 13:02:34
Post #25
Re: 创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
skywalker1966 离线 skywalker1966 韩国的My Canoe Origami 折叠艇四月中旬也要进入国内。
skywalker1966 于 2015-03-26 16:25:27 编辑
旧帖 2015-03-26 20:40:04
Post #27
Re: 创造性突破折叠艇 ORU KAYAK 进入中国市场
multimedia 离线 multimedia
gzhang wrote:


青岛 多媒体
彩虹皮划艇俱乐部 群号:195086105

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